18 Oct

ReactJS was started by Facebook in 2013 and ever since it has risen to become one of the most utilized front end web development libraries.

Being a framework that is almost too simple for a number of things such as rendering, ReactJS has dramatically changed the face of modern web applications through the approach of its component-based architecture.

This post aims to give an understanding of the role of ReactJS in web development, its peculiarities, as well as the causes for its popularity.

most challenging aspects of web development

1. The Origins of ReactJS

Upon discussing the use of ReactJS in the modern development of websites and applications, one has to know the history of ReactJS. ReactJS is developed by Jordan Walke, a software engineer in Facebook team, for the purpose of enhancing the swift building of dynamic User Interface (UI).

At the time, Facebook development team had to manage a complicated web application mainly due to inherent difficulties related to user interactions and update. In the beginning, there were problems with simple use of traditional JS frameworks when application becoming large.

In response, ReactJS emerged as the tool that makes it easier to construct a UI by sectioning it into segments or components. It gained popularity inside Facebook and Instagram and later in the same year was repurposed as an open-source library. Since then ReactJS has entered the world of front-end development and has become the property of thousands of companies.

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2. Component-Based Architecture

Another, which probably is the most philosophical way, ReactJS has changed the web development: the component approach. Typically, in conventional website development, overly complicated, complex structures for organizing code resulted in inefficient and practically unmanageable code. ReactJS does this by decomposing the entire user interface into logical subcomponents.

Every part in ReactJS is an individual and modular bit of code that can manipulate its own state and can be applied nearly anywhere in the application. This modularity does not only make development faster, effective and efficient, but also makes maintenance easier. This is perhaps illustrated by a button component; here, one only writes the same component once and can use it in many places in a website without having to retype the same over and over again.

The modular approach used in constructing graphical user interfaces has brought major positive changes to the development area since it enhances application scalability, minimizes the use of repetitive codes and supports code reuse. Due to this, developers in the creation of online programs can develop elaborate web applications with little to no flaws.

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3. Efficient DOM Manipulation with the Virtual DOM

The element which causes ReactJS stand out from so many other JavaScript libraries and frameworks is the Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). In traditional web development, changes to the UI must involve the real DOM, and this process may be slow and can drain the device’s resources especially in large application with so many updates.

ReactJS solves this problem through the use of Virtual DOM which is a replica real DOM held in computer memory . Whenever a component’s state has changed ReactJS builds up a new Virtual DOM and then compares the two kinds.

In this process, which is called reconciliation, React can find out the minimum number of operations needed for the actual Document Object Model to match with the Virtual Document Object Model.

Because updates can be made in this manner with minimal or no disruption, ReactJS enhance the efficiency of a web application, particularly one with frequently refreshing functionality or a complex User Interface.

This is one of the reasons why ReactJS is on the lips of almost every developer who wants to develop high-performance web applications.

Also Read: Why Choose a ReactJS Development Company in India

4. Declarative UI and JSX

ReactJS also adopts the method of functional rather than imperative, where it is possible for the developer working on the application to describe to the system what he or she wants as the end result instead of how it’s going to get there.

While in imperative styles, the programmer is obliged to explain to the system in detail what should be done to change the interface, in React the programmer describes the state of the interface at any point in time.

It not only makes the development of such code easier but also the source code more understandable, easier to debug and change. React also employs JSX, which is a syntax extension that extends the abilities of JavaScript allowing programmers to write HTML-code. Because rendering is done in the same file where the logic is implemented, JSX helps to reduce the complexity of constructing the UI layouts whereby one is in a position to comprehend well the arrangement IMO.

For example, JSX allows developers to write:

function Welcome(props) {  return <h1>Hello, {props.name}</h1>;}

Instead of managing DOM manipulation manually, React handles this internally, allowing developers to focus on building the logic and components of their applications.

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5. State Management with Hooks and Context API

Overseeing the state of an application often presents one of the more difficult issues for Web developers to handle. The main feature of the reactor JS is the ability to configure the state using the tools that dispatch with the package: React Hooks, the Context API.

React Hooks:

Since React 16.8, Hooks are used to handle state and side effects in a functional component. Prior to Hooks, in order to decide when state should be updated, the developer had to use class-based components which frequently made the codebase more confusing and difficult to understand.

Hooks enable the use of state, lifecycle features or so on in functional components, which makes the Product functional component more concise and easy to write.

Context API:

At its core, Context API enables us to handle global states within our application and broadcast data way more efficiently compared to constantly transferring them through props from one level to another.

This is more important for large applications where data has to be passed to many other components of the application. Though there are other state management libraries like Redux but the Context API gives you a light weight and integrated solution for slightly less complex applications.

These changes introduced in state management make it really easy to develop large, data-oriented applications with less focus on the tangled web of states.

Also Read: How Can Reactjs Development Services Help You?

6. React Native: Bridging Web and Mobile Development

This is why ReactJS is rapidly becoming a revolutionary force for web development: it has created the React Native framework for mobile development. React Native is actually an open source framework that enables app developers to create applications that are both for iOS and Android in the same way they will use ReactJS. Typically with React Native they can code in JavaScript once and it can support both- IOS and Android saving time and money.

This tight integration between Web and mobile development has created a new paradigm in the development of cross platform applications offering similar feel and look across the Web and the different mobile platforms. It has also helped the overall growth for ReactJS since developers can use their React skills on web applications as well as mobile application using React-Native.

7. Large Developer Community and Ecosystem

Yet, ReactJS is one of the frameworks with the biggest and most engaged developer base all over the world. This of course ensuring that there is high development ecosystem in existence to mean that developers are able to go for resource, libraries, tools and third-party integrations among others.

For example, the libraries such as React Router–for routing, Redux –for managing advanced state, and Material-UI, used for building user interfaces that are responsive. Collectively, these libraries make it possible for developers to overcome challenges, exchange information and work on massive projects where community support is well developed.

In the meantime, due to a large number of applications, React is adapted to modern requirements and web trends. The constant update and growth of new features provided by the core react team and the whole open source community guarantees that ReactJS will stay one of the most modern tools for the development of the web application.

Also Read: Building Reusable Components in React

8. React in Enterprise-Level Applications

The same has also favored by large enterprises for developing their web applications due to the reasons of scalability, performance and developers productivity. Some of the world’s leading software giants, including Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Netflix, and Uber, use ReactJS on their web front end.

The feature of creating reusable components and handling complex state makes React the best solution for building scale SaaS applications at the enterprise level necessary to cope with a large number of visitors and the corresponding amount of data.

Moreover, people with experience about building a large Real World application using React will note how well it has been adapted for those cases: there is comprehensive typescript typing, which makes code type-safe and easier to maintain and test, there is a robust suite of testing tools that make it easy to test the application in development or staging environments.

Also Read: Why Is Reactjs So Important for Web Development?


New in web development has been brought by ReactJS through the aspect of component model, a fast and efficient render –the Virtual DOM, declarative and reactive programming and state management. Such improvements have enhanced web development prospects in terms of scalability and maintainability for application development.

In fact, ReactJS remains the go-to framework for both small startups and large enterprises as long as the web development industry is concerned, and it is still a vital component of the future for developers.

In the future as the web changes ReactJS will remain one of the key tools for and building fast, interactive, and user friendly applications which makes it a must tool for anyone that is looking to build the next great generation of applications.

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